Bunions might not be painful at the start. However, if left alone with unsuitable footwear, the condition of these bony bumps will worsen overtime, causing agonizing foot pain when walking. If your bunions are still in the early stage of development, remember these 3 simple tips to mitigate bunions and other foot pain by choosing not just the right, but also most comfortable shoes.
Give Your Feet Space
Most covered shoes have toe-boxes, which is essentially the part of the shoe that covers your toes. Having a tight or narrow toe-box squeezes your toes, especially your big toe. Which is why high heels are a big no-no if you have bunions, as they concentrate your body weight on your forefoot, compressing your toes even more, adding more friction to your bunion. The constant friction against the bunion can cause foot pain and stimulate the bunion to further enlarge. Perhaps opt for sandals with no toe-box or comfortable walking shoes with enough wiggle room for your toes instead. To add on to the roomier toe-box, you can also slot in bunion sleeves or bunion cushions into your shoes to alleviate some of the discomforting foot pain.

Soft and Flexible Materials Ease Bunion Pain
Shoes that are made with rigid materials like patent leather and plastic can further irritate your bunion because of the extra friction caused on the hard material. Selecting comfortable shoes with soft and flexible uppers allows the shoe to stretch around the bunion rather than pressing on the bump.
Invest in Good Arch Support
When you wear shoes without arch support, your feet are more prone to leaning inwards, placing more body weight on the inner side of your feet. This can place more pressure on the bunion and cause it to grow bigger. This is especially pertinent for those of you with flat feet! For those with flat feet, your feet arches are already naturally flatter than normal, hence allowing the possibility of causing more pressure and friction on the bunion. A low but firm arch support with deep heel cups can help distribute the weight of your body evenly. Investing in a good arch support that would not sink or lose its shape is important to reduce any foot pain that already exists. The deep heel cups help steady your heel and prevent you from putting your weight on the bunions at the side of your feet.
The right pair of comfortable shoes can help with alleviating bunion pain and prevent their conditions from deteriorating. Keep in mind that prevention is still the best cure. Even if you still have perfectly healthy feet, you should invest in comfortable walking shoes with enough space for the toes, skin-friendly materials and stable arch support.
The Best Shoes To Wear When You Have Bunions - https://40plusstyle.com/the-best-shoes-to-wear-when-you-have-bunions/
The Best Shoes for a Bunion: Use These 6 Practical Tips - https://www.joionline.net/trending/content/best-shoes-bunion-use-these-6-practical-tips#:~:text=Shoes%20that%20are%20made%20of,around%20the%20bunion%20with%20walking.
The 9 Best Shoes for Bunions, According to Podiatrists and Reviews - https://www.health.com/style/best-shoes-bunions
What Are The Best Arch Support Insoles For Flat Feet? - https://treadlabs.com/blogs/insoles-reach-your-stride/insoles-for-flat-feet-support-the-arch-relieve-the-pain#:~:text=If%20an%20arch%20appears%20when,pain%2C%20we%20recommend%20Pace%20Insoles.
Arch Height 101 - Do You Have High Arches, Flat Feet Or Something In Between? - https://treadlabs.com/blogs/insoles-reach-your-stride/arch-height-101-how-to-tell-if-you-have-high-arches
How Insoles Help Relieve Bunion Pain - https://treadlabs.com/blogs/insoles-reach-your-stride/bunion-shoe-inserts